Wednesday, 21 January 2009

A Freeman Farewell

Well, this is it. The end. The passing of an investigation, all in commemoration of Morgan Freeman.

My study
My inspiration
My Friend

*Sponsered By Powergen.

Here are the videos to be used for my film presentation, alongside a script of Freemanamagical texts. I hope you enjoy.
The script shall be on here soon also, it's just lacking some last second editing.

The Shawshank Redemption - Final Scene

Seven - Final Scene

Bruce Almighty - First meet Scene

1 comment:

MattPaul61 said...

Se7en end scene - best ending of any movie ever! Only The Mist comes close in terms of how much it leaves you broken and completely knocked back!

"Oh...he didn't know."

What a sick bastard! haha.

Well done buddy (I'm talking to you John; John O'Grady, not John Doe of course...hehe)